EBI is a freelance visualization studio specializing primarily in the fields of biology and medicine. It is operated independently by Patrick Eckhold, MS. EBI specializes in illustration and animation to tell any scientific story through dynamic visual art.  My mission is to provide innovative medical and biological artwork ranging from the micro to the macro, with scientific accuracy, didactic design, and aesthetic presentation. I ensure that every project is completed in a timely manner and to the exact specifications of the client.
EBI specializes in cellular and molecular biology.  My work explores the shapes and structures of the microscopic world and how they interact with each other and the broader world.
Anatomic and physiologic accuracy is critical in all studio work.  While specializing in human anatomy, I work to visualize the many forms of life across the field of biology.
EBI has extensive experience depicting surgical procedures and techniques.  I have visualized procedures from virtually every surgical subset of medicine.
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